Beginning Summer 24, we will be focusing on Blackboard cleanup. In accordance with our one-year retention policy, all Fall 2023 courses and collaborate sessions will be deleted.
Instructor: Term courses will stay in Blackboard for 1 year and will be deleted thereafter.
Student: Course enrollments will be removed 1 term after the course was taken. As an example, if you take a Fall 24 course, the enrollment stays active through Spring 25 and then student enrollments will be removed during the Summer session.
To ensure you maintain everything you need, please do the following:
Export Blackboard Content - For any course that you want a copy of all the content, you should export content. This will give you access to a ZIP file that you can later import to a new course (like a course copy). This will save content only, there will be no student information saved. Directions for exporting Blackboard Content can be found on Blackboard's website or here. Once you follow these directions, you will return to the Export page and click the down arrow next to the file name and choose OPEN, this will save the file on your computer. If you need any assistance, please let me know.
Collaborate Recordings - Download any collaborate sessions that you want to keep for future use or for documentation and delete any sessions you no longer need. For each of these, you will go to the Recoding page (Click on the three lines in the black header of the Collaborate page and choose Recordings). For each recording click on the three dots - choose to download and/or delete. Watch the video on downloading and deleting Collaborate Recordings.