Jacksonville University  Swisher Library Rm 328

IDEA Survey Information

What are IDEA Course evaluations?
Jacksonville University has adopted the IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction system to conduct course evaluations.

The IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction system:

• are anonymous
• focuses on the instructor’s purpose and student learning
• provides comparison data for the institution, discipline, and IDEA database
• provides data that are adjusted for extraneous variables

How do faculty access my IDEA course evaluations?

Faculty have access to their own personalized webpage that will display real-time response rates, course evaluation reports, and course roster information.

Faculty will log into https://ju.campuslabs.com/faculty/ using their JU user ID and password.

What instrument are students using to evaluate the course?

Jacksonville University is using the Diagnostic Feedback Instrument. This 40-item instrument provides key feedback for improving a course including:

• Overall summary ratings
• Student progress on relevant learning objectives
• Observations of specific Teaching Methods
• Qualitative and Quantitative Data

This instrument requires faculty to complete the Objective Selection Form.

How do faculty complete the Objectives Selection Form?

Faculty will be notified by email to complete their OSFs for upcoming administrations.

After logging into the Faculty portal, faculty will click on the Objective Selection

Form for each course. Three to five objectives should be weighted as Important or Essential. OSFs are available to be filled out up until the close date of an administration. After the administration window closes, selections will be available in a read only view. This will allow instructors to look back at previous semesters to review what they have selected.

How do faculty determine the weights of the objectives?

Ask yourself the following for each objective:

1. Is this a significant part of the course?
2. Do I do something specific to help the students accomplish this objective?
3. Does the student’s progress on this objective affect his or her grade?

If you answer “yes” to each of these questions regarding a particular objective, then you should rate that objective as either Essential or Important.

As you think through the appropriate selection of objectives, you are deciding which scores will be used to calculate the “Progress on Relevant Objectives” and “Overall Ratings” scores.

When will the IDEA SRI be available to students?

The evaluation schedule is determined by the course end date listed in Banner. Full semester (16 week) course evaluations run the last 10 days of the semester (prior to finals week). Evaluations for shorter terms will run the last 10 days of the semester.

How will students access the course evaluations?

Students will log into https://ju.campuslabs.com/courseeval/ using their JU user ID (only the portion before the @ sign in your email address) and password.

How do the students know that course evaluations are able for them to complete?

There are several ways that students will know that the course evaluation survey is ready for them to complete.

1. Students will receive an email to their JU account with the link to survey. Reminders will be sent every 3 days or until the survey(s) are completed.
2. Students will have a link under the Institution Page within Blackboard.
3. Faculty can post the student access link in Blackboard.
4. Faculty can give students time to complete in class.

How do Faculty improve my response rates?

• Have students complete the course evaluations in class. Students can use their mobile devices to complete the surveys. Plan a specific class session to have students complete the surveys. Have students bring their mobile devices and give them 10-15 minutes during the beginning of class to complete the surveys.
• Create value for students. Explain to students how you use the results of the surveys to make changes and improve the class. Let students know that their input an feedback is valuable and appreciated.
• Communicate with students. Let students know when the course evaluations are available. Encourage students to complete them. Post a link within Blackboard to remind students.

When will I receive my results?

Results will be available to Faculty and Administration the Friday after grades are submitted.

How do I access my results?

Faculty can access their reports by logging into the Faculty portal the Friday after grades are submitted.
What are the minimum response ratios needed?

Faculty will not see the evaluation results if their course does not meet three (3) or more responses – or – 100% response rate. If 3 or less students are enrolled in a course, then the results will only display IF 100% response rate is achieved. There must always be 3 responses in order to view a report.

Who do I contact if I have questions about IDEA course evaluations?

If you have any questions, please contact Dee Thornton, dthornt@ju.edu, 256-7972

Academic Technology
Office Location
  • Carl S. Swisher Library
  • Jacksonville University
  • 2800 University Blvd. North
  • Jacksonville, FL 32211
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