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Software Integrations

Problems with Blackboard?

Blackboard Online/Telephone Help - Available 24/7

We should always be your first line of defense with issues that come up when using Black Board. If it is an immediate issue, please give us a call.

Phone: 844-348-1615
Website / Chat - (Click to Access)

If you need further assistance with Blackboard, please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.

Academic Technology

* On-site Help with Blackboard and Microsoft Applications
Located in the Swisher Library / Rooms 327 and 328

Mr. Matthew Pate, M.S. - Learning Technology Administrator
Phone: 904 256-7522
E-mail: mpate1@ju.edu
Respondus 4.0
Respondus Lockdown Browser
Respondus Monitor
IDEA Survey
IDEA Course Evaluations
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Applications

Respondus 4.0

If you are in need of Respondus 4.0, please contact Dee Thornton at dthornt@ju.edu or 1 904 256-7972.

is a Windows-based authoring tool that makes it easy to create and manage exams for Blackboard Learn and Canvas.

Authoring Features

- Distinct user environments for Blackboard Learn and Canvas
- Create exams and assessments offline using a Windows interface
- Supports up to 15 question types, including calculated and algorithmic
- Import questions from MS Word (including embedded images), rich-text, QTI, and tab/comma delimited formats
- Access to thousands of Respondus-compatible publisher test banks –
  FREE to instructors who adopt a participating textbook

Preview, Publish, and Printing Features

- Preview questions before publishing them to the LMS
- Publish exams and assessments directly to an online course (media files
  are automatically uploaded)
- Determine point values and exam settings offline
- Print exams/surveys directly from Respondus, or save files to MS Word or
  rich-text format

Retrieval and Reporting Features

- Retrieve exams from Blackboard and Canvas, complete with media files
- Retrieve custom reports, such as student scores, summary statistics, and
  answer distributions
- Download answer databases for quizzes or surveys and save them in an
  Excel-compatible format
- Archive and restore exam/survey projects (including media content) with
  one click — ideal for providing a colleague with a ready-to-use exam

System Requirements

Operating System
Windows 11, 10, 8
Memory - 32 MB RAM minimum
Hard Disk Space - 10 MB of free hard disk space for program files
Monitor - 1024x768 or 1280x720 minimum resolution
Download Time - The file size is approximately 10 MB.
Learning Management System
Respondus 4.0 is compatible with the following learning management systems and industry standards:
- Blackboard Learn 9.X
- Instructure Canvas


Office Computers: Contact IT at helpdesk@ju.edu and request the Respondus 4.0 software installation on your office computer. Be sure to include your Building, Office Number, and Computer Number.

Home Computers: Log into MyJU. Refer to the Academic Technology, Respondus page. The software and password information is included.
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Below is info for students using chromebooks to install lockdown browser - Installing the Chromebook Extension

To install the new extension to a student-owned Chromebook, students will need to use the regular LockDown Browser installation link for your school (they will NOT be able to search for the app directly from the Chrome web store.) The LockDown Browser installation link will direct students to the Chrome web store, at which point they should select “Add to Chrome” to install the LockDown Browser Extension.


Respondus Lockdown Browser

Respondus LockDown Browser is a locked browser for taking tests in Blackboard Learn and Canvas. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during a test. If a Blackboard or Canvas test requires that Respondus LockDown Browser be used, you will not be able to take the test with a standard web browser. LockDown Browser should only be used for taking Blackboard or Canvas tests. It should not be used in other areas of Blackboard or Canvas.

- Assessments are displayed full-screen and cannot be minimized
- Prevents access to other applications including messaging, screen-
   sharing, virtual machines, and network monitoring applications
- Print, Print Screen and screen capture functions are disabled
- Copying and pasting anything to or from an assessment is prevented
- Right-click menu options, function keys, keyboard shortcuts and task
   switching are disabled
- An assessment cannot be exited until the student submits it for grading
- Browser menu and toolbar options are removed, except for Back,
  Forward, Refresh and Stop
- Assessments that are set up for use with LockDown Browser cannot be
  accessed with other browsers
- Supports screen readers


LockDown Browser must be installed to each computer (Windows or Mac) being used to take a test. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the install: http://www.respondus.com/lockdown/download.php?id=261850125

Taking a Test Using LockDown Browser - Bb Learn

1. Close all programs, unless one is used to connect you to the Internet.
2. Locate the “LockDown Browser” shortcut on the desktop and double-
    click it. (For Mac users, launch “LockDown Browser” from the
    Applications folder.)
3. If prompted, either close a blocked program (e.g. screen capture, instant
    messaging) by choosing Yes. Or, close LockDown Browser and close the
    blocked program before restarting.
4. Login to your Blackboard.
5. Navigate to the test and select it.
6. If the instructor requires a test password, a new window will appear
    asking for the Exam Password. Enter the password and click Begin Exam.
7. The test will then start. (Note, once a test has been started with
     Respondus LockDown Browser, you cannot exit until the Submit button
     is clicked.)

Taking a Test Using LockDown Browser - *Bb Ultra

1. Login to your Blackboard.
2. Navigate to the test and select it.
3. Once the test is selected, Respondus Lockdown Browser will automatically open and prompt you to start to test. 
4. If the instructor requires a test password, a new window will appear
asking for the Exam Password. Enter the password and click Begin Exam.
5. The test will then start. (Note, once a test has been started with
Respondus LockDown Browser, you cannot exit until the Submit button
is clicked.)

*It is no longer required to launch the Lockdown Browser first in Bb Ultra.

Respondus Monitor

Respondus Monitor is a companion application for LockDown Browser that uses webcam and video technology to prevent cheating during online exams. Respondus Monitor integrates seamlessly with learning management systems, and is ideal for non-proctored testing environments.
System Requirements (Students)

- Windows: 10, 8, 7
- Mac: OS X 10.10 or higher
- iOS: 7.0+ (iPad only)
- Adobe Flash Player (bundled with the LockDown Browser installation)
- Web camera (internal or external) & microphone
- A broadband Internet connection

Using Respondus Monitor (Students)
You may be required to use LockDown Browser with a webcam, which will record you during an online, non-proctored exam. (The webcam feature is referred to as “Respondus Monitor.”) The computer requirements are listed above. If an exam requires LockDown Browser and a webcam, the guideline in Respondus LockDown “Taking A Test Using LockDown Browser” section. At this point the Startup Sequence for the webcam begins.

- You will first need to review and agree to the Terms of Use.
- The Webcam Check will confirm that your webcam and microphone are
   working properly. The first time the Webcam Check is performed on a
   computer, Adobe Flash Player will require you to select Allow and
- The remaining steps of the Startup Sequence will depend on settings
   chosen by Jacksonville University and/or your instructor. Follow the
   instructions and note your progress along the top of the screen.
- If you encounter a problem, select the It’s not working link for
   troubleshooting tips.
- The test will begin after the Startup Sequence is complete. You cannot
   exit LockDown Browser until the test is submitted for grading.

Screen Recording Option

How does the screen recording option in Respondus Monitor work?

Instructors can enable the Screen Recording option for tests that require Respondus Monitor on a per exam basis.

Recording Options
The screen recording video for an exam session initially appears below the webcam video in the proctoring results.

Screen Recording Video
Click (or touch) the screen recording video to make it the primary playback window. The rows of thumbnail images that appear below also switch to the screen recording view. Repeat this process to make the webcam video the primary focus again.

Video Timeline

Turn It In

Guide: Creating a TII Assignment (Revised Method)
Turnitin is a web-based writing assessment toolkit that allows instructors to provide feedback to students through markup tools, rubrics, proofing tools, and originality reports to detect plagiarism. Turnitin also provides peer review options. Click to learn more.

Prevent Plagiarism

Identify unoriginal content with the world’s most effective plagiarism detection solution. Manage potential academic misconduct by highlighting similarities to the world’s largest collection of internet, academic, and student paper content.

Investigate Authorship

Safeguard your institution’s reputation with cutting-edge authorship investigation tools. From computer code plagiarism to contract cheating, protect your culture of academic integrity with confidence.

Provide Feedback
Empower students to think critically and take ownership of their work. Easy-to-use feedback and grading features facilitate instructional intervention and save time both in and outside of the classroom.

Enhance Academic Skills
Prepare students for success in K-12, higher education, and beyond. Lay the foundation for original thinking, authentic writing, and academic integrity practices that will last a lifetime.




Academic Technology and Academic Affairs are pleased to announce that Jacksonville University now offers a campus-wide license to MATLAB, Simulink, and a full-suite products. All faculty, researchers, and students are eligible to download and install these products on their university computers as well as their personally owned computers. Here’s a sampling of the add-on products available:

▪ Bioinformatics Toolbox
▪ Control System Toolbox
▪ Curve Fitting Toolbox
▪ Data Acquisition Toolbox
▪ Image Processing Toolbox
▪ Instrument Control Toolbox
▪ Optimization Toolbox
▪ Parallel Computing Toolbox
▪ Signal Processing Toolbox
▪ Simscape
▪ Simscape Multibody
▪ Simulink Control Design
▪ Stateflow
▪ Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
▪ Symbolic Math Toolbox

To install on university owned devises:
Email the IT helpdesk at helpdesk@ju.edu include your computer number (sticker on the computer) with the request.
If you are requesting the installation for an entire computer lab, please provide the computer lab number (you do not need to provide all the computer numbers).

Access instructions for personal computers:
1. Go to Jacksonville University’s MATLAB Portal to download the software.
2. Click “Sign in to get started” under the Get MATLAB section.
3. You will be asked to create a MathWorks Account with your university email. Once you do that, you will be associated to our MATLAB license and will be able to:
     ▪ Download and activate software on your personal computer
     ▪ Start using MATLAB Online from a web browser

If you have trouble installing MATLAB, go to the MATLAB Portal and click “Need Installation Help” to get support.
Access free, self-paced training to get started in less than 2 hours: MATLAB Onramp.

MATLAB Grader integration with Blackboard:
• If you have already created assessment content at https://grader.mathworks.com, you can add content by following the instructions in Add Problems to LMS Course.
• Otherwise, you can go to https://grader.mathworks.com to set up collections (Create Collections and Groups) and start adding content Add Problems to LMS Course.

For interest in collaborating with a member of our MathWorks Account team, contact MathWorks’ Customer Success Specialist Amber Price-Marshalik at amberp@mathworks.com.

Top Software for Instructor Curriculum Design

Blackboard Ultra
Academic Technology
  • @ 2024 Jacksonville University
  • All Rights Reserved
Office Location
  • Carl S. Swisher Library
  • Jacksonville University
  • 2800 University Blvd. North
  • Jacksonville, FL 32211
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