Jacksonville University  Swisher Library Rm 328

Simple Syllabus

It's time syllabus publishing got simple...

Simple Syllabus is a centralized, template-driven platform that enables instructors to quickly personalize and publish
interactive class syllabi—directly within the LMS.

Title IX
Title IX
Title IX

Frequently Asked Questions

The approval process has been removed. We will work with administrators to review syllabi through different methods.

What are the timelines of submitting and approving syllabi? Syllabi should be submitted to Simple Syllabus by the first day of classes, but no later than the end of the first week. Since the approval process has been removed, students will see each syllabus after it has been submitted.

Why am I getting reminders at the beginning of the semester when the course does not begin until the second half of the term? We are still working on separating the terms. We have several terms that do not follow the full, first half, second half model. Until we determine a good way of handling all of the courses not in those terms, everything will be in the single umbrella term. Of course, that does not mean you must submit the second half syllabi at the beginning of the semester. Syllabi should be submitted to Simple Syllabus by the first day of classes, but no later than the end of the first week of classes.

Course Materials
Can the Barnes and Noble textbooks be automatically added to each syllabus? We are working on this integration this summer. There are some file components that we need to update so the BN data can be imported into Simple Syllabus. The URL
https://ju.bncollege.com/course-material/course-finder has been added to assist students in purchasing from the bookstore.

Schedule of Readings and Assignments

Can tentative or subject to change be added to the heading? Yes, the heading now reads “Schedule of Readings and Assignments (subject to change)”

How specific does the schedule of reading assignment section need to be? A detailed sample can be viewed on the CTL website.

Another example would be to list the weeks or quarters of the semester as listed below. There needs to be a schedule of some sort with the readings, assignments, and exams.

- Week 1 Logic Concepts - Read chapter 3 and complete assignment 3 
- Week 2 Plato, Phaedo - Read chapter 5, watch the video, and complete assignment 5
- January 8 – February 3 Logic Concepts - Chapters 1-3
- February 4 – March 2 Plato, Phaedo - Chapters 4-8

Changing Syllabi During the Semester

When should a syllabus be changed? Syllabi should not change that much unless there is a major event that leads to classes being cancelled (e.g., the university closes due to weather or other reasons, a faculty member misses a class or several classes due to personal reasons). If a syllabus does change, there will need to be an addendum added.

What warrants a change in a syllabus? An addendum to change a syllabus would be warranted if the manner in which students are graded has changed; for example, eliminating an assignment that means there are not as many points available as previously outlined. This would normally only happen in cases where classes are cancelled for the reasons outlined above.

What is the process for changing a syllabus during the semester? If a syllabus needs an addendum during the semester, you can edit the syllabus in Simple Syllabus (click on the pencil by the syllabus title) and add a component with a heading of Addendum.


If you are team teaching or co-teaching a course and the Registrar's office has both names of the faculty in their database, you will both have access to create the syllabus. Only one faculty member needs to complete the syllabus and it will be published for both.

Do the following need syllabi?

Cross-listed/Stacked/Merged in Blackboard courses – Yes, log into Simple Syllabus (https://ju.simplesyllabus.com/) with your JU credentials and find the individual courses/sections, and upload a syllabus for each.

Dissertation Continuation Courses – Yes, upload the syllabus from the original course to Simple Syllabus.

Honors Courses – Yes, a syllabus should be submitted to Simple Syllabus.

Independent Studies – Yes, a syllabus should be submitted to Simple Syllabus.

Internships – No, a syllabus does not need to be submitted to Simple Syllabus. The documents in Handshake will suffice.

Pass / Fail courses - Yes, a syllabus should be submitted to Simple Syllabus.

Are the following statements needed?

Is a DEI statement needed? No, not currently.

Is a ChatGPT/AI statement needed? Sample language is included.

Is a copyright statement needed? It is not needed; however, it can be included if a faculty member would like to use one. The following statement about course material was added to the template. You can keep this statement or make it invisible.

The lectures and course materials in this class, including presentations, tests, exams, outlines, and similar materials, are protected by copyright. I am the exclusive owner of copyright in those materials I create. I encourage you to take notes and make copies of course materials for your own educational use. However, you may not, nor may you knowingly allow others to reproduce or distribute lecture notes and course materials publicly without my express written consent. This includes providing materials to commercial course material suppliers such as CourseHero, Chegg, and other similar services.  

General Questions

Who has access to the information faculty input into SS?
The general public does not have access to the system. The syllabus library—published syllabi—is available to JU students, faculty, and staff who may
upload  the syllabi.

Can faculty be assured that their intellectual property is protected while using SS?
The syllabus remains your intellectual property. Your intellectual property is protected via Simple Syllabus in the same manner that it is in Blackboard or by 
giving hard copies of the syllabi to students. All syllabi are protected as IP no matter how they are disseminated. If faculty, students, or anyone else on 
campus view your syllabi and would like to use some of your information, they need permission from you.

With university-mandated language in the syllabi, may faculty use a statement such as "this statement may not reflect the instructor's point of
The only mandated language that cannot be edited or removed is the Course Title and Meeting Time/Days, the statement about the possibility of going   
remote which is there to protect the University, and policies that were voted on by the faculty (the mask policy, the Academic Honesty policy, and the ADA

Academic Technology
Office Location
  • Carl S. Swisher Library
  • Jacksonville University
  • 2800 University Blvd. North
  • Jacksonville, FL 32211
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