Jacksonville University  Swisher Library Rm 328

Blackboard for Instructors

The resource samples found below are comprised of guides, instructional sets, web links, and videos. Please feel free to inquire about any other topics needed to help with both Blackboard usage and general technical needs.

Blackboard Ultra

Downloadable .PDF Guides

Please click below to view our custom Blackboard Ultra help and resource site.

Blackboard Ultra Video and Help Resource Page
Blackboard Ultra Video and Help Resource Page

Problems with Blackboard?

When help is needed, you have a few options.

Blackboard Online/Telephone Help - Available 24/7

We should always be your first line of defense with issues that come up when using Black Board. If it is an immediate issue, please give us a call.

Phone: 844-348-1615
Website / Chat - (Click to Access)

Academic Technology

If you need further assistance with Blackboard, please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.

Mr. Matthew Pate, M.S. - Learning Technology Administrator
Phone: 904 256-7522
E-mail: mpate1@ju.edu

Blackboard Collaborate with the Ultra Experience

All bold links that underline when pointed to are active hyperlinks.

Blackboard Collaborate is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact. Collaborate Ultra integrated with your Blackboard Learn courses and can be used through out the Blackboard App.

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Highlights.

What type of help do you need?

Where is Collaborate?

There is a Collaborate tool in each Blackboard course. Faculty should access by entering a course and clicking on the Course Tools in the Course Management section on the course menu (left side). Then choose Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Faculty can use the open Course Room or schedule a session through the Create Session link.

Where is Collaborate?

There is a Collaborate tool in each Blackboard course. Students should access by entering the course and clicking on the Tools link in the course menu (left side). Then choose Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Students can use the open Course Room or access a scheduled session. Alternatively, your Professor may have posted or emailed a link to access the Collaborate session.

To support our commitment to a more inclusive campus, we’re introducing a new tool called Ally into your Blackboard courses to help improve the accessibility of your course content. Ally doesn’t change how anything works in your course, and won’t affect your course files.

You’ll notice in your course red, orange, light green, and dark green gauges next to your course files. These are “Ally Indicators” and they let you know the accessibility of the file. The indicators are only visible to instructors in the course. Simply click the indicator to read detailed feedback about what the accessibility issues are with the file, why they matter, and how to fix them. Learn more about Instructor Feedback.

Improving the accessibility of your course content will not only help ensure students with disabilities can access your materials, it will also improve the learning experience for students who use mobile devices as well as who want to engage with the material in a different way. Ally automatically generates “alternative formats” of your course files, and makes them available to you and your students by clicking the dropdown icon next to the file name. The alternative formats don’t affect your original file, and allow students to access an HTML version for their phone, an ePub version for their tablet, an MP3 version for audio, and electronic braille for braille readers. Learn more about Alternative Formats.

We hope you will take some first steps in using Ally to improve the accessibility of your course content, as well as encourage students to take advantage of the alternative formats. If you have questions or need help fixing an accessibility issue with one of your files, you can contact us at 256-7972.   

Academic Technology
  • @ 2024 Jacksonville University
  • All Rights Reserved
Office Location
  • Carl S. Swisher Library
  • Jacksonville University
  • 2800 University Blvd. North
  • Jacksonville, FL 32211
Instructional Design Help?

Let our staff help you develop your content. Drop us a line on our contact page to get started.
